How To Choose The Perfect Kitset Shed For Your Garden

kitset sheds in NZ are a great way to add extra storage space to your property. They are also a great option if you are looking for a cost-effective way to build a shed from scratch. They are available in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and styles to suit every need and budget.

When choosing a shed, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. This includes the size of your property, the climate you live in, and your personal preferences.

What are Kitset Sheds?

Kitset sheds are a convenient, affordable and durable solution for your storage needs. They are made from high-quality timber, which is then assembled at the factory before being delivered to your property.

They can be customised with a number of accessories such as shelving and window kits, allowing you to create the perfect shed for your needs

Advantages of using KIt set sheds

There are several advantages to using kit sets over hand-built sheds:

  1. They’re easy to build –

Anyone can build a  shed with basic DIY skills. If you’re not confident with carpentry or don’t have much time on your hands, kit sets are great because they require minimal skill and effort compared to hand-built sheds.

  1. They’re inexpensive –

Kitsets cost around $1-$2 per square foot, while hand-built sheds can cost up to $20 per square foot! This means you can get a large shed built by yourself for under $500 (depending on how big your shed needs to be).

Factors to consider when choosing a shed

kitset sheds in NZ

Here are some tips on how to choose the perfect kitset shed for your garden:

  1. Size –

The size of your shed will depend on what you plan to store in it. If you’re using it for storage only, then you needn’t worry about space too much. However, if you’re planning on using it as an office or workshop as well as storage, then it’s important that the shed has enough room for both activities.

  1. Shed Material –

Two main types of material are used in sheds: wood and metal. Wood is cheaper than metal but needs regular maintenance due to exposure to weather conditions such as rain, sunlight and insects like termites. Metal sheds don’t require any maintenance but are usually more expensive than wooden ones.

  1. Appearance –

kitset sheds in NZ come in a variety of colours and styles, so there’s something for everyone! Some people prefer simple designs while others prefer something more ornate like a barn-style design or even a Victorian look. For more information visit our Website.