Different Types Of Sheds In Nz

Sheds in NZ come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be made from a variety of materials. If you are looking for a new shed, it is important to know the available different types. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of sheds which can help you decide which one is right for you!

Popular shed  in NZ

1. Wood sheds –

 These sheds are the most popular type in New Zealand. They are typically made from pine or cedar and can be treated with a variety of finishes to protect them from the elements. Wood sheds are also the most expensive type of shed, but they offer a natural look that many people prefer.

2. Metal sheds –

 Metal sheds are a more affordable option than wood sheds, and they are also very durable. They can be made from aluminum or steel, and many come with a powder-coated finish to help resist rust and corrosion.

3. Plastic sheds

Plastic sheds are the most budget-friendly option, but they are not as durable as metal or wood sheds. They are typically made from polyethene or PVC and can be susceptible to damage from UV rays and extreme temperatures. plastic sheds are a good choice for those who want an inexpensive shed that is easy to maintain.

Which type of shed is right for you?

Sheds in NZ

The type of shed that is right for you will depend on your budget, the amount of space you have, and what you plan to use it for. If you need a large storage shed, then a metal or plastic shed may be the best option. If you want a workshop or additional living space, then a wood shed would be the better choice. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which type of shed is right for your needs.

 Sheds are a great way to add extra storage or living space to your property. They come in a variety of styles and can be made from different materials.

 If you are working with a tight budget, then cheap sheds in NZ may be the best option for you. Cheap sheds are typically made from plastic or metal and can be found at most home improvement stores.

High-end sheds – If you have a larger budget, then you may want to consider a high-end shed. High-end sheds are usually made from wood or metal and can include features such as windows, insulation, and electricity.


There are a variety of sheds in NZ, and the right one for you will depend on your needs and budget. For more information visit our Website.